From Ayakamay

Upcoming shows

Upcoming performance & shows

    • [ PERFORMANCE ] Every THU FRI SAT btwn 6PM-12AM
    • Ideal Glass 22 East 2nd St NYC
    • [RADIO] Sam Roberts' Show with Ayakamay
    • XM 103/Sirius 206 & SiriusXM On Demand
    • [ TV ] NHK World - Asian Dreamers - Art Gave Me Strength : Ayakamay
    • [ EVENT ] A Celebration / Performance starts at 8PM
    • Ideal Glass 22 East 2nd St NYC
    • [ MURAL ] Ayakamay Mimikaki Mural in Shoreditch London
    • East London U.K
    • Leslie-Lohman Museum, PRINCE ST. PROJECT SPACE, NYC
    • Contemporary Istanbul
    • Istanbul Turkey

Feb 15,2016


Thank you so much for coming to Ayakamay solo exhibition GENDERLESS at Prince Street Project by Leslie Lohman Museum.
The show was a great success! Now one of the Ayakamay’s work is in the Leslie Lohman Museum Collection.
Such an honor and I’m very thankful to everybody who get to made this happened.12747640_1659099054340275_1933862122_n

Ayakamay with the founder and director emeritus of Leslie Lohman museum, Charles Leslie.

Dec 12,2014

Success of Licht Feld Gallery


Congratulations to Licht Feld Gallery‬ from Basel Switzerland for the greatest success in the Art Basel week. I’m very proud to be part of the team as an artist AYAKAMAY.

Thank you so much for Fredy Hadorn to believe in me, MARCK for leading us winning success, Hubert Kretzschmar to be my best friend, Nimai Kesten, Harvey Dzodin, Brad Kahlhamer, Yumie Wada, Eric Kroll for giving me such a great time, Azumi Oe, Seira Nakanishi, Naoko Kitano, Shinya Fujita, Sakie, Mei, Marie Van Eersel for your talents and the biggest support with numerous effort especially for Willard Morgan and Ideal Glass to make everything happened.
I also appreciate to every one of you who got to see my art works, took it home with and experienced my performance. ARIGATOU.

I am one luckiest trash.


Jul 8,2014

Ayakamay in Europe

Ayakamay with Edward Perraud and Véronique Bourgoin at Le 116.

Hello, it’s me Ayakamay.
I’m back in NYC now, I had a blast in Europe performing in three different countries.
Thank you for Licht Feld Gallery, Basel, Switzerland, Red Gallery, London, United Kingdom, and Le 116 East Paris, Montreuil, France for the opportunities. My first Europe tour has became unforgettable from meeting new amazing friends and sharing beautiful time together. Arigatou.

Thank you so much again for all your support and love.



Jun 19,2014

Thank you for Art Basel Switzerland.

performance artist Ayakamay at Art Basel 2014

I had a fabulous time in Switzerland for the Art Basel, and get to meet stunning art works and inspiring people from all around the world, my heart was humming all the time.
Very glad to appear everywhere and get to show my performance Mimikaki, will be happy to return to Basel Switzerland for next year. Thank you for all who made it to visit the SCOPE BASEL show at the Licht Feld Gallery booth from Basel, Switzerland.
Enjoy these pictures of Ayakamay meeting her favorite art pieces, photos taken by 
 Hubert Kretzschmar.

performance artist Ayakamay at Art Basel 2014performance artist Ayakamay at Art Basel 2014performance artist Ayakamay at Art Basel 2014performance artist Ayakamay at Art Basel 2014

+++Ayakamay and Hubert Kretzschmar+++
We are a collaborative team.
Stay with us for the future updates at Licht Feld Gallery

performance artist Ayakamay and Hubert Kretzschmar at Art Basel

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